
25 March 2021

Is there any journalist going hungry ?

Is there any journalist in any country, that was not employed for at least a year ?

Because i doubt you will see a bad journalist going hungry.

A good journalist, either.

24 March 2021

Here are some romanian hastags for you

#Bascalia ingroapa Romania

#Prostia omoara Romania

Translated to :

#Mockery buries Romania

#Stupidy kills Romania

In english language it is no rime involved, but romanian people can use the romanian words were it is apropiate on sites, forum signatures etc.

And maybe after 500 years, the descendents of the above, will finaly do the right thing.

It is not only for Romania. You too can make hastags to present your country problems.

17 March 2021

Christianity is mainly based on Paul writtings who are conflicting with Jesus teachings

 Paul believed that his vision proved that Jesus lived in heaven
 Paul was on his way to Damascus when he had a vision that changed his life: according to Galatians 1:16, God revealed his Son to him.

This are acording to the bible passed as christian tradition, and even if he existed how he can prove to others his words.

Link :


Paul contradicts himself :

2 Corinthians 13:7–9

For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth.

Link :



Romans 3:7  

But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, iwhy am I still being condemned as a sinner?

Link :


The bible is filled with contradictions and vague words. Truth is a different word than lie. 

Paul contradicts the bible :

Psalm 101:7 

No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.

Link :


Paul contradicts Jesus :

Ephesians 2:15

15 by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace



Matthew 5:17 

17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

Link :


Why Romania and other countries in Europe are not presented on Volkswagen project

At 37:20, Romania, Russia, Norway and Turkey are not presented because production is not started there, so don't be affected by logical fallacies, like appeal to nationalism and ignorance. 

The below romanian sites makes logical fallacies.
Link :

07 March 2021

A true free will and the divinity attached to it doesen't exist

Do you have the free will to enter any people houses, do what you want to anybody in private or society ?

You are afected by morality, your soroundings and your undestanding of society, where you live and act acording of your acquired information.

Some will say that morality is given by God or other divinity, but this is not a proof of this or a proof of divinity existence because any religion that states this or could state this could add some other time that their own god or gods exist and not of the other religions, because the other (in their religious opinion) do not exists.

And by this thinking you can conclude that all the divinities exists, some or only one. 

This concludes that are many fake and lying religions in the world, so in their view you must choose one base on their teachings, stories like in the bible or any other religious texts unproven by them.

Unproven because mostly the only ,,proven,, existence of a divinity is only presented by offering free or not copies of books and reciting information from their religious texts.

By this ,,rationale,, you can believe the existence of all mitological creatures or monsters presented in a fantasy book.

But we arive at.

Link :

Russell's teapot

06 March 2021

Creeps don't use Covid-19 masks

Link :

About creeps

They know that they can try to sue anyone who, for example tells them in the street that they should have wear a mask against Covid-19 accordingly to the law and sue under defamation, in the false hope that you don't have a proof or a witness.

They don't want others telling them what to do, no matter if the situation is true, and this is stubbornness.

So, do not startle them, and instead make a Police complaint, if you live in a democratic country or somewhere the police is Police, under anonymity or not (depending on the law), more if the situation repeats like in the situation of gatherings of people who made a habit on not social distancing in the parking lots, in front of buildings etc.

Many have potentaly have unresolved mental problems anyway, but this does not excuse them.

They have a blank stare like they don't care. One individual creep has tried to take my mask away, and he was a drunkyard, so in this situation try to leave away from the area.

Depending of their alcohol dose, they can have Reduced affect display with reasoning impairement, from 60-99 mg/dL

Link :

Alcohol effects

Many believe that :

If they are religious people who believe in sin, they blame sin so they whould not have any responsibilities in a society and/or God protects them for their personal subjective motives.

The virus doesen't exist.

They don't want to speak about the flu that will get older people sick, just like covid-19.

The ones that wear masks are to be blamed.

If they only believe in not wearing a mask, but believe in the virus, they don't care or don't want to talk about the fact that they affect their family.

They believe things without proof so they are more prone to scams and crank ideas.

They move the goal post, a logical fallacy, were they hope in beating you by asking more and more questions after they do not respond or negate yours, so they will show that they won the dialog.

Link :

moving the goalposts

They have a type of personality that already could have made problems in society before covid-19 appeared, for any virus transmited through cough and sneeze.

Article about covid-19 .

Link :

Coughing and sneezing