22 May 2021

"Keep your distance" regarding criminals exist as a concept in your country ?

Does the concept in your country exist, that, when you meet someone in the street and tries to bully you, calling names etc. you should say to him to keep distance ?

You can keep a pepper spray almost all the time with you, regardless of the distance, late hours etc.

You must check the law.

It is true that in UK you are not allow to have a pepper spray in your pocket for example. Than what about dogs that can attack you ?

In Romania, this concept does not seem to exist for media, Police and lawyers. I didn't found anything on the internet or real life.

19 May 2021

Do you believe in supply and demand ?

It doesen't take in account that if people want tabacco, someone would not want to sell it.

If that seller has dignity.

Demand and offer is just consumerism.

"Utility is the quality in commodities that makes individuals want to buy them, and the fact that individuals want to buy commodities shows that they have utility."

Cambridge economist Joan Robinson

Link :

Supply and demand

Tabacco has no real utility. Economics doesen't concerns itself changing the world, so only positive things remain.

Link :


08 May 2021

Are you allowed, to write in your site or say that you sell something from EU, if you have a business ?

In your country, are you allowed, to write in your site or say that you sell something from EU if you have a business ?

For example :

This product is made in EU.

In Romania, i didn't personally encountered in malls or any places, romanian products made in Romania, which has or had "This product is made in EU" message.

07 May 2021

Don't brag or commend your mayor for nothing

People work and build something. I don't think that someone who sign something as a mayor and don't say that people work and must be lauded, deserve, as a mayor to be commended or to get credit.