All buttons have nothing yet inside, besides Culture and Logical fallacies.
Culture and religions are interconnected, but i leave them like this.
When i talk about different religions from a critical perspective, i already know that people from a certain religion regard me as someone who is a danger to them.
I have no doubt that christians for example, are fewer than plenty, in forming criticism regarding theyr religion. Plenty of reason why. One example being science vs religion.
I don't regard media in my country as having anything to do with culture.
When they invite someone, from a museum for example, it is shallow and robot talk. Using that person for advertising, even indirectly, theyr television.
Or that television channel advertising itself by inviting people from a culture circle.
Media for me is someone with a purpose. Mostly with manipulating others.
In culture, i will post culture (museums links etc.).
A theory is one scientific thing that explain something.
I want to write and explain different laws from different countries.
Health will be about human health, but i will talk about my cat health experiences there. My cat died this year.
Commercials are part of media but i leave the buttons this way.
For me commercials are made mainly to fool people by telling a fake story.
If 90 % is truth, you don't regard 10 % of bullshit as something that you don't want to think about it ?