28 September 2021
Weird, EU "Poverty and social exclusion" not in romanian language
10 September 2021
Slavery and Black Lives Matter vs a future roma people movement
African Americans have organise more in the last years vs a minority of people over other years, to the dispair of those who discriminate.
It is a hipocrisy that white people have brought them from different parts of the world and now complain that they don't need them. They needed them when they build USA.
I have not encounter any roma movement, for helping them, so if any roma people reads my blog, they will find information that will help them.
I will get into what Roma Party "Pro Europe" have done, because where i live, i cannot find any good examples., besides roma children going to school. Many don't because of present or future social discrimination and even family negative influence.
History of african americans slavery in USA is similar with roma slavery before Romania state was formed.