22 November 2021

I will add a email for contact me

If you want, to criticise me, your problems, my advices or yours, for this type of blog and/or for his improvement, i will add a email to contact me.

20 November 2021

08 November 2021

Romanian manipulate themselves in believing anti covid-19 manipulation

The rate of distrust in Romania is high. 

The fact that the country is a christians country, is believed by some priests, online or in the media spot.

Is not true, only church ads because many people in Iasi county are not wearing masks, not distancing between each other. 

They have a blank stare when they look at those who wear masks.

The good part of any present religions is not to be against good laws but who has ears to hear ?
It seems that only priests opinions and voices count. VIP priests in media.

The stupidity rate is high too, because is nurtured by stupid things in the media, like presenting news with anti-vaccination persons with titles like "people had enough wearing mask", thus inflaming people.
