
17 December 2021

Romanians can guess from EU site what human and democratic rights they have


Romanians can guess from the site what rights they have.
No romanian translation available.


In Romania 2020, is implied that medical teams are not using toilet paper against covid-19


No proof that in Romania, in 2020, the Toplita hospital medical team is using garbage bags and toilet paper as protection. A photo is not a proof in a given setting.
The above had the info from this :

22 November 2021

I will add a email for contact me

If you want, to criticise me, your problems, my advices or yours, for this type of blog and/or for his improvement, i will add a email to contact me.

20 November 2021

Added Sandwalk Strolling with a skeptical biochemist

I added Sandwalk Strolling with a skeptical biochemist in the links section.

08 November 2021

Romanian manipulate themselves in believing anti covid-19 manipulation

The rate of distrust in Romania is high. 

The fact that the country is a christians country, is believed by some priests, online or in the media spot.

Is not true, only church ads because many people in Iasi county are not wearing masks, not distancing between each other. 

They have a blank stare when they look at those who wear masks.

The good part of any present religions is not to be against good laws but who has ears to hear ?
It seems that only priests opinions and voices count. VIP priests in media.

The stupidity rate is high too, because is nurtured by stupid things in the media, like presenting news with anti-vaccination persons with titles like "people had enough wearing mask", thus inflaming people.


13 October 2021

Harassment at work should not be limited

Everywhere i read on the internet is about harassment at work. Some jerk, having mental issues, makes fun of you or tries sexual innuendo, if you are a woman.

What about some guy not working at your factory, blocks the acces without making a scandal ?

It is harassment at work too, by someone.

Trolling is what harassment at work is

I don't agree that the term troll is limited to internet.

Harassment at work is a form of trolling.

Because someone behave badly at work, to gain something.

Trolling on the internet is like this, minus that they may not want to gain something, just their idea of fun.

Parents that don't accept being criticized

Some parents, behave that they have the right, after 14, 16 or 18 year of child live or what the goverments decided for us, to behave like dictators.

That parents don't like to be criticised back, because a critic asks questions.

George Carlin said that most of the parents doesen't deserve respect.

If adults think that having sex means being a parent automatically and unlimited rights over children, than George Carlin is right.

Parents think that asking question will erase the idea of being a parent.

Accept questions.

Cold reading is used by the so called mediums

There is no proof that someone can comunicate with the dead etc.

For example :

Your father died at old age ?


It suffered sometimes ...


Not i can see him in Heaven and he is smiling and not suffering anymore.

02 October 2021

Skin (medical conditions) and photos

If you have a skin medical condition, always take a photo or more to help the doctor and/or you.

Why not banks announce their ATM problems ?

I was yesterday in the afternoon and later on at a ATM and the ussual "Sorry ..."

Banks announce their ATM problems on their site.

Transilvania bank gives the following message :



To enfase that the regret, maybe, they add a , sign after WE REGRET, but this is not grammaticaly corect.

It should state :


This way they will take responsibility for their action.

Or even better


Philosophy, sociology and life problems links will follow

I don't belong yet or advertise any of the links i will post on the right regarding philosophy and sociology.

It is all about help. Some are sites in my language and others in english.

28 September 2021

Weird, EU "Poverty and social exclusion" not in romanian language


It states there that the Info is only in other languages, but if you want to read it in romanian language you see just the title and a short explanation in this language.
I see that this happens on my smartphone,
and i will see what appears on desktop view, but nevertheless i do not think is right that it just teases the reader.

10 September 2021

Slavery and Black Lives Matter vs a future roma people movement

African Americans have organise more in the last years vs a minority of people over other years, to the dispair of those who discriminate.

It is a hipocrisy that white people have brought them from different parts of the world and now complain that they don't need them. They needed them when they build USA.

I have not encounter any roma movement, for helping them, so if any roma people reads my blog, they will find information that will help them.

I will get into what Roma Party "Pro Europe" have done, because where i live, i cannot find any good examples., besides roma children going to school. Many don't because of present or future social discrimination and even family negative influence.

History of african americans slavery in USA is similar with roma slavery before Romania state was formed.

Slavery in Romania

14 July 2021

Moved topics links to Religions

 Moved topics links to Religions button.

08 July 2021

Why CEO won't raise your salary

- It is a consumer. The word consumer should be used as compulsive consumer. Eating unecesary food, buying a car when the old car is just as good as the new one. So, believes that his money will be all used some day, which is not true.

- He has a cognitive disonance, like smokers has. The state had put the national minimum wage at a certain number. 

The CEO won't give you more money, because believes that the state knows best.

And why bother to give you a bonus or a raised salary ?

- Is using religion to keep you hoping forever that some day you will have a raise.

- He doesen't give a fuck about you, because you are not in his club or family. 

Because antisocial personality disorder means irresponsibility, than the above traits of CEO-s are antisocial traits.

06 June 2021

Buttons above and theyr explanation

All buttons have nothing yet inside, besides Culture and Logical fallacies.

Culture and religions are interconnected, but i leave them like this. 

When i talk about different religions from a critical perspective, i already know that people from a certain religion regard me as someone who is a danger to them.

I have no doubt that christians for example, are fewer than plenty, in forming criticism regarding theyr religion. Plenty of reason why. One example being science vs religion.

I don't regard media in my country as having anything to do with culture.

When they invite someone, from a museum for example, it is shallow and robot talk. Using that person for advertising, even indirectly, theyr television.

Or that television channel advertising itself by inviting people from a culture circle.

Media for me is someone with a purpose. Mostly with manipulating others.

In culture, i will post culture (museums links etc.).

A theory is one scientific thing that explain something.

I want to write and explain different laws from different countries.

Health will be about human health, but i will talk about my cat health experiences there. My cat died this year.

Commercials are part of media but i leave the buttons this way.

For me commercials are made mainly to fool people by telling a fake story.

If 90 % is truth, you don't regard 10 % of bullshit as something that you don't want to think about it ?

22 May 2021

"Keep your distance" regarding criminals exist as a concept in your country ?

Does the concept in your country exist, that, when you meet someone in the street and tries to bully you, calling names etc. you should say to him to keep distance ?

You can keep a pepper spray almost all the time with you, regardless of the distance, late hours etc.

You must check the law.

It is true that in UK you are not allow to have a pepper spray in your pocket for example. Than what about dogs that can attack you ?

In Romania, this concept does not seem to exist for media, Police and lawyers. I didn't found anything on the internet or real life.

19 May 2021

Do you believe in supply and demand ?

It doesen't take in account that if people want tabacco, someone would not want to sell it.

If that seller has dignity.

Demand and offer is just consumerism.

"Utility is the quality in commodities that makes individuals want to buy them, and the fact that individuals want to buy commodities shows that they have utility."

Cambridge economist Joan Robinson

Link :

Supply and demand

Tabacco has no real utility. Economics doesen't concerns itself changing the world, so only positive things remain.

Link :


08 May 2021

Are you allowed, to write in your site or say that you sell something from EU, if you have a business ?

In your country, are you allowed, to write in your site or say that you sell something from EU if you have a business ?

For example :

This product is made in EU.

In Romania, i didn't personally encountered in malls or any places, romanian products made in Romania, which has or had "This product is made in EU" message.

07 May 2021

Don't brag or commend your mayor for nothing

People work and build something. I don't think that someone who sign something as a mayor and don't say that people work and must be lauded, deserve, as a mayor to be commended or to get credit.

29 April 2021

You can use small spray bottles against covid-19


If you are at work or in the city, you can use it with your prefered and aproved substance (alchool based substance etc.) against covid-19.

I use it by applying to my hands, pushing the cap a few times.

About hand sanitizer.

Link :


26 April 2021

How to spot a corrupt journalists or corrupt independent journalists

Below, besides corrupt journalists, the same applies to corrupt independent journalists.

- A person don't want to talk to a journalist. They are guilty in the eyes of the corrupt journalists, because they believe they are hiding something. Apeal to institutions, a logical fallacy.

- Under the false flag of being right or a patriot, they make name calling against politicians or different persons.

- If you are not with him, you are against him and his "friends".

- They, if necesary, will if they want mix God in theyr sentences.

- They present themselfs to know facts well.

- They laugh or smile when they talk with the politicians.

- On purpose they do lies and misinformation

- Trough gestures and video thumbnails, they instil fear and hate in others against others.

- People from his country are his friends, using in any videos/texts the following example :

"Friends, something happened today ..."

- Through presence at any rally against the goverment from his country, the corrupt journalist goes to a site to make money trough donations, because he "protects" people.

- He blame the former employer and/or colleagues, but than in the past, all was fine for him.

- Talks mainly about political corruption, but seldom if any given solution.

- They repeat the same words over and over again that the Police, judges etc. must do something.

- They allude violence trough different words as "this political party must be closed". This nazi did in the past.

- They use words as metaphors like :

 - A politician named by name lives in a bear den (so politicians look raw and animal like in the eyes of the people).

 - psychopaths

 - made up words like covidiot.

No matter if a person is guilty or not, name calling shows that the corrupt journalist is nothing more than looking for a quick buck from people or for apreciation.

Name calling is not criticism.
Corrupt journalists works well with those who have functional illiteracy or have hatred for other people personal ideas, religion etc.

- They laugh or smile when they talk with the politicians.

- On purpose they do lies and misinformation"

For what ? They believe that they can or impress the politicians ? 

No, to fool the public in believing in fake cordiality between two parties.

25 March 2021

Is there any journalist going hungry ?

Is there any journalist in any country, that was not employed for at least a year ?

Because i doubt you will see a bad journalist going hungry.

A good journalist, either.

24 March 2021

Here are some romanian hastags for you

#Bascalia ingroapa Romania

#Prostia omoara Romania

Translated to :

#Mockery buries Romania

#Stupidy kills Romania

In english language it is no rime involved, but romanian people can use the romanian words were it is apropiate on sites, forum signatures etc.

And maybe after 500 years, the descendents of the above, will finaly do the right thing.

It is not only for Romania. You too can make hastags to present your country problems.

17 March 2021

Christianity is mainly based on Paul writtings who are conflicting with Jesus teachings

 Paul believed that his vision proved that Jesus lived in heaven
 Paul was on his way to Damascus when he had a vision that changed his life: according to Galatians 1:16, God revealed his Son to him.

This are acording to the bible passed as christian tradition, and even if he existed how he can prove to others his words.

Link :


Paul contradicts himself :

2 Corinthians 13:7–9

For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth.

Link :



Romans 3:7  

But if through my lie God’s truth abounds to his glory, iwhy am I still being condemned as a sinner?

Link :


The bible is filled with contradictions and vague words. Truth is a different word than lie. 

Paul contradicts the bible :

Psalm 101:7 

No one who practices deceit shall dwell in my house; no one who utters lies shall continue before my eyes.

Link :


Paul contradicts Jesus :

Ephesians 2:15

15 by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new man in place of the two, so making peace



Matthew 5:17 

17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

Link :


Why Romania and other countries in Europe are not presented on Volkswagen project

At 37:20, Romania, Russia, Norway and Turkey are not presented because production is not started there, so don't be affected by logical fallacies, like appeal to nationalism and ignorance. 

The below romanian sites makes logical fallacies.
Link :

07 March 2021

A true free will and the divinity attached to it doesen't exist

Do you have the free will to enter any people houses, do what you want to anybody in private or society ?

You are afected by morality, your soroundings and your undestanding of society, where you live and act acording of your acquired information.

Some will say that morality is given by God or other divinity, but this is not a proof of this or a proof of divinity existence because any religion that states this or could state this could add some other time that their own god or gods exist and not of the other religions, because the other (in their religious opinion) do not exists.

And by this thinking you can conclude that all the divinities exists, some or only one. 

This concludes that are many fake and lying religions in the world, so in their view you must choose one base on their teachings, stories like in the bible or any other religious texts unproven by them.

Unproven because mostly the only ,,proven,, existence of a divinity is only presented by offering free or not copies of books and reciting information from their religious texts.

By this ,,rationale,, you can believe the existence of all mitological creatures or monsters presented in a fantasy book.

But we arive at.

Link :

Russell's teapot

06 March 2021

Creeps don't use Covid-19 masks

Link :

About creeps

They know that they can try to sue anyone who, for example tells them in the street that they should have wear a mask against Covid-19 accordingly to the law and sue under defamation, in the false hope that you don't have a proof or a witness.

They don't want others telling them what to do, no matter if the situation is true, and this is stubbornness.

So, do not startle them, and instead make a Police complaint, if you live in a democratic country or somewhere the police is Police, under anonymity or not (depending on the law), more if the situation repeats like in the situation of gatherings of people who made a habit on not social distancing in the parking lots, in front of buildings etc.

Many have potentaly have unresolved mental problems anyway, but this does not excuse them.

They have a blank stare like they don't care. One individual creep has tried to take my mask away, and he was a drunkyard, so in this situation try to leave away from the area.

Depending of their alcohol dose, they can have Reduced affect display with reasoning impairement, from 60-99 mg/dL

Link :

Alcohol effects

Many believe that :

If they are religious people who believe in sin, they blame sin so they whould not have any responsibilities in a society and/or God protects them for their personal subjective motives.

The virus doesen't exist.

They don't want to speak about the flu that will get older people sick, just like covid-19.

The ones that wear masks are to be blamed.

If they only believe in not wearing a mask, but believe in the virus, they don't care or don't want to talk about the fact that they affect their family.

They believe things without proof so they are more prone to scams and crank ideas.

They move the goal post, a logical fallacy, were they hope in beating you by asking more and more questions after they do not respond or negate yours, so they will show that they won the dialog.

Link :

moving the goalposts

They have a type of personality that already could have made problems in society before covid-19 appeared, for any virus transmited through cough and sneeze.

Article about covid-19 .

Link :

Coughing and sneezing 

12 February 2021

The lack of the option in news sites to post messages can show corruption

They are afraid that those who would post will truly convince others.

06 February 2021

Artificial connection between orthodox si catholic

In 313, Constantine the Great legalized Christianity, not God. At the first council at Nicaea, God was not invited. Neither Jesus, saints, etc. Priests have meet several times over time to say, give their opinion, to convince and be convinced whether the relationship between Jesus and God and the Aryan problem. 

Other discussions followed and it was decided about Easter, for example. 

The hypocrisy is that in Romania and in other countries there is a belief that: God made the christian religion or in the Jewish religion, Yahweh -> Judaism. 

Or that Constantine the Great -> Christianity -> we later have time to decide on the unknown authors of the bible and other issues -> we decided on God in the end.

What does God have to do then with the legalization of the church and with the different law of cults? 

For example, in the New Testament, Jesus sent the apostles without money (salary), without food, to spread the word on God and without a directive from any state to legalize Christianity as an institution. 

Catholics have different ideas about the Orthodox faith and vice versa. 

People are using religion as killing methods. The unknown authors of the bible should have known that the bible will be used against others. 

Link :

Arian controversy


How conspiracy in Romania works

- Person X is rich, he gives money to a organisation, but he hides something, because he is rich, no matter the lack of facts against him.
- A person is a jew. Jesus being killed by some jews, all are being blamed by people who like that conspiracy.
- A person is friend with someone who is guily in the eyes of the law, so booth are guilty, a asociation fallacy.
- if you are not a christian, as "100 % romanians are", you are guily of anything or the lack of religion.
The good you do in society is equal to 0 if you are not a christian.

02 February 2021

The word power means nothing to me

 - power in that position, in economy etc. 

You heard this on tv and in the media. Just for us to feel smaller than others. No matter how rich or not you are.

All people should be equal in words too.

19 January 2021

TV propaganda in "young people succeding in buisness"

Don't bother looking for truth in "i got money from parents, etc." when you see young people presented on tv and just have succeded in making a buisness.

The business could be made with stolen money as well, so the ,,real,, stories can be just stories.

Either way, this is ussualy just propaganda and advertisement for the one showned on tv if is not backed by anything else.

A fake utopian setting, were young people suddenly have money, employers are thus happy and all is well.

You work for a living, don't use the media, to show without proof that you have just made something for yourself, for example a hard earned buisness.

The yellow tv journalism do not deserve you.

14 January 2021

Welcome to our blog

Here we will write about any social problems, their resolving or potential solution.