18 January 2022

Sue drivers that park cars illegally !

They don't give a fuck about you when the park theyr car on the sidewalk and they have the following objective dissonance :

- they don't have anywhere to park

- city hall is evil

- they have rights (they are privileges which won't recognize)

Now you know who vote every time for the crook mayor.

Anti-covid-19 vaccination and Functional illiteracy

I keep hearing that Romania vaccination rate is lowest than other countries because people distrust the state.

The reason it is that the functional illiteracy is strong, than, distrust.

Others just don't believe in diseases or vaccination and not being illiterate.

Evil conduct is another reason.

Romania is the European Union's second-least vaccinated state, with just under 41% of the population fully inoculated amid distrust of state institutions and poor vaccine education.
