07 March 2021

A true free will and the divinity attached to it doesen't exist

Do you have the free will to enter any people houses, do what you want to anybody in private or society ?

You are afected by morality, your soroundings and your undestanding of society, where you live and act acording of your acquired information.

Some will say that morality is given by God or other divinity, but this is not a proof of this or a proof of divinity existence because any religion that states this or could state this could add some other time that their own god or gods exist and not of the other religions, because the other (in their religious opinion) do not exists.

And by this thinking you can conclude that all the divinities exists, some or only one. 

This concludes that are many fake and lying religions in the world, so in their view you must choose one base on their teachings, stories like in the bible or any other religious texts unproven by them.

Unproven because mostly the only ,,proven,, existence of a divinity is only presented by offering free or not copies of books and reciting information from their religious texts.

By this ,,rationale,, you can believe the existence of all mitological creatures or monsters presented in a fantasy book.

But we arive at.

Link :

Russell's teapot

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